September Board Minutes
attendance at the Sierra Vista Library: Joe Puett, Nancy Fusco, Jack Lintner, Frank Gonzales,
Jim Evans, Emily Scherrer, John Spengler, K.J. Wigton, Joe Britton, Anne Gibson
Call to Order: 8:04 am
I. Secretary's Report: Omitted due to absence of Mike Strange, Secretary
II. Treasurer's Report: Please review the attached 3 pages presented by Jack
III. Borderlands Festival: an invitation to participate in an event happening on 11.5.16 at the Coronado
Nat'l Memorial (South side of Huachuca Mntns) was presented, a request to provide a food/beverage
booth for attendees. DISCUSSION: there are two other Rotary events happening that day (the Bisbee
Rotary fundraiser and the Rotary Foundation dinner in Tucson), AND the event is too soon to pull
something together. Motion presented by Joe to not participate in this event, seconded by Jack, an
unanimous “Aye” was cast . Joe will respond to invitation.
IV. Fireworks Trailer Location: notification has been received that Horizon is closing its doors as of
10.31.16. DISCUSSION: Member, Rick Shelley, Manager of Horizon, has resigned in anticipation of
relocating. Les has offered to have the trailer relocated to the fenced yard at Ace Hardware. Jack will
work with Les regarding any costs involved, including potential insurance due to fireworks stored.
Further discussion ensued regarding other items stored at Horizon such as items for the annual
fundraiser and Project Graduation. K.J. and Nancy volunteered to inventory all “crates” of items, aside
from the fireworks trailer, stored at Horizon. Jack will talk to “Dennis” regarding Project Graduation
items. Frank moved that the task of relocating all items in storage at Horizon be managed as an
“Executive Action” vs/Board action in order to facilitate. An unanimous “Aye” was cast.
V. By Laws and Constitution Changes: Please see attached amended Constitution and By Laws as
proposed by a select committee, with changes noted in Red. Discussion: John reviewed the noted
changes. Essentially, the changes reflect compliance with Rotary International's suggested
amendments. The proposed amended Constitution and By Laws will be presented to the club members
for review as an “Executive Summary of Changes”. A Club Business meeting will be held for further
discussion of specific items: Proposed varying levels of membership, attendance requirements,
member's leave of absence.
VI. Other Business: Frank brought up the fact that our By Laws addresses a Surety Bond to protect
the BOD and club against potential fraud, however, our club does not have such a bond. A vote was
cast to secure such a bond, 9 voted Aye, 1 against.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:10am
Jim Evans, Emily Scherrer, John Spengler, K.J. Wigton, Joe Britton, Anne Gibson
Call to Order: 8:04 am
I. Secretary's Report: Omitted due to absence of Mike Strange, Secretary
II. Treasurer's Report: Please review the attached 3 pages presented by Jack
III. Borderlands Festival: an invitation to participate in an event happening on 11.5.16 at the Coronado
Nat'l Memorial (South side of Huachuca Mntns) was presented, a request to provide a food/beverage
booth for attendees. DISCUSSION: there are two other Rotary events happening that day (the Bisbee
Rotary fundraiser and the Rotary Foundation dinner in Tucson), AND the event is too soon to pull
something together. Motion presented by Joe to not participate in this event, seconded by Jack, an
unanimous “Aye” was cast . Joe will respond to invitation.
IV. Fireworks Trailer Location: notification has been received that Horizon is closing its doors as of
10.31.16. DISCUSSION: Member, Rick Shelley, Manager of Horizon, has resigned in anticipation of
relocating. Les has offered to have the trailer relocated to the fenced yard at Ace Hardware. Jack will
work with Les regarding any costs involved, including potential insurance due to fireworks stored.
Further discussion ensued regarding other items stored at Horizon such as items for the annual
fundraiser and Project Graduation. K.J. and Nancy volunteered to inventory all “crates” of items, aside
from the fireworks trailer, stored at Horizon. Jack will talk to “Dennis” regarding Project Graduation
items. Frank moved that the task of relocating all items in storage at Horizon be managed as an
“Executive Action” vs/Board action in order to facilitate. An unanimous “Aye” was cast.
V. By Laws and Constitution Changes: Please see attached amended Constitution and By Laws as
proposed by a select committee, with changes noted in Red. Discussion: John reviewed the noted
changes. Essentially, the changes reflect compliance with Rotary International's suggested
amendments. The proposed amended Constitution and By Laws will be presented to the club members
for review as an “Executive Summary of Changes”. A Club Business meeting will be held for further
discussion of specific items: Proposed varying levels of membership, attendance requirements,
member's leave of absence.
VI. Other Business: Frank brought up the fact that our By Laws addresses a Surety Bond to protect
the BOD and club against potential fraud, however, our club does not have such a bond. A vote was
cast to secure such a bond, 9 voted Aye, 1 against.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:10am