This is Part 2 of The Rotary Club of Sierra Vista - People of Action in These COVID Times
PART 2: July 2020 - July 4th 2020 and COVID Projects Peach's Pantry
PART 2 – July 2020 – 4th of July and COVID Projects:
Also, in these COVID Times, the Rotary Club and the City of Sierra Vista decided to have a modified Annual 4th of July Fireworks Demonstration, to provide a little sense of normalcy to the community. No events were planned for Veteran’s Memorial Park or for the Stone Field Complex and all the Fireworks were planned to be Aerial with the normal ground displays replaced with ‘special’ high quality Aerial Bursts. The weather for the 4th of July Spectacular Fireworks cooperated and the Fireworks Display was once again a resounding success and a great tribute to the Country and our community.
On Tuesday, July 14, the Rotary Club teamed up with the Salvation Army to be part of the food distribution program for the community. From 7 to 10 AM, at the Salvation Army Community Center, Eva McElroy of the Salvation Army organized a number of volunteers from the Rotary Club and from individual contributors, to help pack food boxes, load food into vehicles, and to help keep proper social distances for workers and for those who received the food items.
In another effort that joins many teams together for action, Peach's Pantry, while working with Ace Hardware, the Rotary Satellite Club of Sierra Vista, the Rotary Club of Sierra Vista, and the Bisbee Rotary Club, came together to get masks into the hands of our communities so we can slow the spread of COVID-19. The Legacy Foundation of Southeast Arizona – Emergency Funding, provided a COVID-19 grant to Peach's Pantry for Free Face Mask Distribution throughout Cochise and eastern Santa Cruz.
With the Grant funding, Peach’s Pantry was able to purchase 3,000 masks. Then on Wednesday, July 15, Rotary Club of Sierra Vista (Traditional Rotary Club) members joined with our Satellite Club members to meet at Peach's Pantry around 6:00 P.M to label masks for distribution to the community. The task for the Satellite Club members and the Traditional Club volunteers was to attach a card to each mask explaining how to wear a mask properly and why. There was plenty of space in the pantry (the size of 2 classrooms) for volunteers to spread out and there were stainless steel tables that were regularly wiped down with bleach. Rotary District Assistant Governor for Region 12, Sue Archibald, provided 100 masks to the Elgin school Superintendent, Mary Faley (also a Rotarian), on Saturday morning after the masks were labeled at Peach’s Pantry. Mary was very thankful for receiving the masks to be given to the Sonoita Elementary School.
PART 2 Continued: On Saturday, July 18th , from noon until 4:00 P.M., Rotary Club members and friends were encouraged to participate in a "Cash Mob" at Hoppin’ Grapes, located at 409 B West Fry Blvd; that is one block East of the Main Gate of Ft. Huachuca and across the street from the Landmark Shopping Plaza. This concerted opportunity to buy beer and wine from a local retailer, was being encouraged by "Cochise Strong," an organization headed by former Rotary Club member Lisa Gustafson. The "Cash Mob", like a "flash mob," is organized and focused on making purchases to show local businesses that we support them. Hoppin’ Grapes is owned by a Rotary Club of Sierra Vista West member, Kristine Wolfe, and they are the home (during non-COVID times) of our Rotary Satellite Club. Hoppin’ Grapes also has menu items like cheese and meat plates with crackers and offer a fine Tiramisu desert. (Prepared by John Spengler, Rotary Club Reporter)