Upcoming Events:
November 21— Dr. Eric Holmes, Superintendent, Sierra Vista Public Schools; November Birthday and Anniversary Celebration
November 28—Jose and Whitney Cordero with the Huachuca Hospitality House will talk about the services provided to Ft. Huachuca soldiers.
Upcoming events for December—
December 5—HOLIDAY PARTY--No noon meeting—evening meeting at Pizzeria Mimosa—Details attached.
December 12—TBD—Birthday and Anniversary Cake meeting
No meetings for balance of December—HOWEVER, there will be bell ringing in our future!! Date, time and location to be announced.

Ride to End Polio: John Black then introduced the members of this year’s Ride to End Polio Team: Bob Fusco, will once again be participating on his stationary bike. Two of the non-Rotarian, but long time team members Ken Kilmurray, a retired USAF B-52 navigator riding 100 miles along with Tom Armstrong, a retired computer scientist. Sully Frumenti who has been on nearly every SV Rotary team will be riding the 32-mile course as will Air Force LTC Chrissie Pflipsen who will be riding again this year honoring her father who, until his death, had ridden with the SV team. LTC Pflipsen was on duty at Luke AFB and was unable to attend the meeting. John Black and member of the team benched because of his bike training accident were also present. Despite a threat by Mayor Rick that he would beat John with the clipboard if John passed it around again, John passed it around once again to see if anyone wanted to up their donation or make a donation. He announced that we were now above $4000.00 for our team’s donation to the Ride which, thanks to the Gates’ Foundation, would be matched with a 2 to 1 grant, making the donation over $12,000.00.
In her overview of the foundation, Ms. Clay urged us to assist in recruiting, retaining, and recognizing candidates for teachers who want to make a difference. We can do this if we promote Cochise County schools; help work for positive change in schools; advocate for teachers; and validate teachers for their work through recognition programs such as the Cochise County Teacher of the Year program and Classroom Teacher Mini-Grants.


Program: Sierra Vista Police Chief Adam Thrasher was ill and unable to attend the meeting. Les, our Foundation Chair—and the November program chair—stepped in with one of his presentations about the Foundation (Les informed the Club that ever since he was an ADG, he has carried two programs with him on a flash drive, just in case something like this happens and a program is needed)
Finishing the Pump Track, Nov. 19, 2022

On left, Chuck Potucek and Nathan Harter setting the post, Prez Nathan in the back.
Below, from left:
Les Orchekowsky, Kirby Chapman, Nathan Harter, Kasey Harter, Dwight Swisher, and our President, Nathan Williams.