July 12, 2020
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Crisis, the Sierra Vista Rotary will be offering its members the option of meeting in person at Tandem Upscale Dining and Lounge Restaurant located at the Windemere, 2047 S. Hwy. 92 OR to attend via Zoom until further notice in order to protect the health and safety of our members. Those choosing to attend in person are required to wear masks when not actually eating. Tandem seating is spaced apart to maintain social distance. Meals are served to those attending. Members will be notified of the menu on Friday so as to be able to reserve a meal--and space--for the Monday meeting as Tandem is normally closed on Mondays. Tandem is also maintaining a "less than 50% capacity" to be in compliance with the Governor of Arizona's order regarding dine-in restaurants.
Members attending via Zoom will be provided log in information for the Zoom meeting--and are able, should they choose to do so, to pick up the lunch meal "to go" before the meeting.
Non-members of the Sierra Vista Rotary Club, visiting Rotarians and members of the public wishing to attend a meeting to learn more about Rotary, need to contact President Candy Pardee via email at Candyce.Beumler.Pardee@gmail.com to secure Zoom information and password. Those wishing to attend in person must contact Tandem at 520-685-9061 by no later than the Saturday before the Monday meeting to reserve space and to make arrangements to purchase the meal.
We encourage all of our members and community to stay safe and, if unable to social distance, to stay home during this time.
For the most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 in Cochise County including how to protect yourself and your family, please refer to the Cochise County Health Department website: https://covid-cochisehealth.hub.arcgis.com/
For a statement of what Rotary International is doing to combat the impacts of COVID-19 please visit https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-monitors-coronavirus-outbreak