Renee Romo, senior a Buena High School, was chosen as the Sierra Vista Rotary Club's student of the month. Renee is in the Buena Key Club, National Honors Society, and serves on the Buena Student Council. Her role on council made her an integral part of organizing the recent Arizona Association of Student Councils conference at Buena. She served as emcee of the conference and while some may have felt daunted by getting up in front of a crowd of 2000 of their peers, Renee said, "AASC is a very inclusive organization, we were from all across the state but felt like a big family." She shared with the Sierra Vista Rotary Club the recent AASC conference exemplified the Rotary 4 way test. She shared, "At the conference we had to learn that our service comes before ourselves." She recieved buttons that say "I am number 2" and if asked who is number one, the answer is, "you are!"
Renee is a senior and has been accepted into the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.
Renee Romo, senior a Buena High School, was chosen as the Sierra Vista Rotary Club's student of the month. Renee is in the Buena Key Club, National Honors Society, and serves on the Buena Student Council. Her role on council made her an integral part of organizing the recent Arizona Association of Student Councils conference at Buena. She served as emcee of the conference and while some may have felt daunted by getting up in front of a crowd of 2000 of their peers, Renee said, "AASC is a very inclusive organization, we were from all across the state but felt like a big family." She shared with the Sierra Vista Rotary Club the recent AASC conference exemplified the Rotary 4 way test. She shared, "At the conference we had to learn that our service comes before ourselves." She recieved buttons that say "I am number 2" and if asked who is number one, the answer is, "you are!"
Renee is a senior and has been accepted into the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University.